Tham Pha Thai National Park 

Featuring a complex of mountains and forests ranging from 1,253 metres above sea level down to the sea level, this park has over 50 species of birds such as Eurasian jay, emerald dove, thick-billed pigeon and more. 

Places of interest in the park: 

Pha Thai Cave 

This cave in a lime stone mountain contains a large chamber with all access well lit by electricity so visitors can be self-guided along a path filled with stalactites and stalagmites. The debth of this cave is over a km from the cave entrance. In 1926 King Rama VII visited the park, leaving his initials Po Po Ro inscribed inside.  

Chon Cave 

Its three small chambers are believed to be where thieves hid out, there is a curtain of stalactites which is very impressive to see. 

Lom Phu Khiao 

A gigantic pool of crystal clear water in what appears to be a volcano crater with deep green waters. 

Mae Cham Fa or Tak Moei Waterfall 

Emerald green pools, crystal clear water cascading down eight separate tiers of a lime stone waterfall. 

Ban Huai Hok Prehistoric Paintings 

Depicting a scene of people marching this is a rare sight which is a good 3.5 kms by foot to get at. 

Mar Ke Waterfall 

Beautiful cascades amongst lush forest.  

The national park has two housing accommodation for up to 25 people a well as tented areas. There are no restaurants.  

Travel along Highway 1 from Lampang and turn at km marker 665.  


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